
Showing posts from May 2, 2018

You know it's love when ......

This was a bespoke card in watercolour for a couple who loved their camper van and model helicopters. I thought it quite apt for todays blog as a friend recently asked me how I knew my Husband was the man for me to marry.  It's a really good question and one I have given considerable thought to, so here are 10 answers from both me and my David. I know there are more, but these just came to mind.  You know it's love when: 1 - Even though you never got an engagement ring, but they proposed with a cement goose..... you wouldn't part with that lump of painted cement for any diamond! 2 - They say you are beautiful/handsome the moment you wake up, with the drool still on the side of your cheek! 3 - They get up even when they are tired and pour you a glass of wine because you are too exhausted to move. 4 - They ban you from doing the smelly dirty jobs with the words, "That's for me to do, not you." 5 - They apologise when they are wrong.