
Showing posts from September 17, 2018

It's the little things in life that please me.....

Sleep over sunrise It's the little things in life that please me. I think after you have watched a love one (or two) fight an illness, sadly breathe their last breath and slip away whilst holding your hand, you realise what is important. That is not meant to sound morbid, but help you understand why just a simple sunrise with the right people can be all you need for a perfect life. Missed buses, stupid arguments and other daily issues we all get stressed or worried over are merely noise in the overall scheme of things.  Our Granddaughter stayed over as a treat this weekend for her birthday and was a joy just to spend some quality 1-2-1 time with her. She is easily pleased and has good conversation skills now, so watching the sun come up while chatting and drinking hot chocolate is just a perfect start to the day.  Birthday cake Pancake Pancakes for breakfast are a given on a sleep over and this time we added an arty twist to them. The Birthday cake pancake I made