
Showing posts from November 26, 2021

Thermomix TM5 and the Ninja Smart lid, best cake ever!

Yet again my amazing kitchen duo has created the best cake ever leaving me time to trial a few butterflies on rice paper. Getting the paint consistency just right is always difficult so it's always best to do a few trial pieces first. Too thin and the paint bleeds into the paper, too thick and it causes issues later when backing the painting. All rice paper paintings require backing prior to framing as the paper is so thin. Click here ' Backing a rice paper painting ' to view an epic fail when backing a painting either too full of paint, damaged, etc. Anyway back to the best cake ever. I found a recipe online and adjusted it for my family's taste and to cook it in my new Ninja. Citrus Meringue cake using a Thermomix (TM5)  and baking in the Ninja smart lid (NSL) Note- Minutes (m) / Degrees (d) / Seconds (s) / speed (sp)  To save washing up, grind the orange and lemon peel for the cake in the TM5 first. 240g sugar and the peel from 1 lemon and 1 orange. Grind - sp9 / 8s