
Showing posts from November 10, 2017

Beaver moon

According to some sources, the Full Moon for November is named after beavers because this is the time they become particularly active building their winter dams in preparation for the cold season. Other names for the November Full Moon are Frost Moon, Trading Moon, and Snow Moon or Oak Moon. Traditionally, the last Full Moon before the winter solstice has also been named Mourning Moon. What ever its name is, my Husband insisted it was called the Beaver moon and decided we would each get a present to celebrate this special event. In order to help my quest on loosing Fat and Pounds he surprised me with a Fitbit. I’m currently enjoying logging all I eat and drink and stepping my way to a healthier me…… well thats the idea. Watch this space and see, dbee x

Just keep moving

Sitting painting doesn’t really burn the calories does it? It just helps spread the ….well, middle aged spread I guess. So having the grand kids is such a bonus. Not only are they great kids who are fun to be with, but the things they do or say can be hilarious. Running round after them burns quite a few calories, however I always fancy a drink after they’ve gone so any calories burned are soon added to. lol Anyone else feel like that? dbee x

Struggling Introductions

Like many people I have a few struggles in life. Not only am I a struggling artist, but I’m also a struggling fatty. Some unwelcome fat seems to have attached itself to my lower half since the Menopause came visiting. So in order to help focus my attention on the two I thought I would keep a daily journal….. …..I say Daily in a loose sense of the word as I have never been very good at keeping a diary. But Hey Ho, one can but try! Feel free to join me on my journey of Paint, Plumpness and Perspiration. Love and Light dbee x