
Showing posts from August 31, 2018

Dyslexic Sat Nav and Photo bombed by the Queen and Prince Phillip

David, my Husband seems to have a problem taking time off and using his holiday. He's not a workaholic, but he does care about his work and his team, so taking time off is always a worry to him. But today after some persuasion he took a day off to go to Windsor Castle. I put the place in the sat nav and off we went, after a few minutes we realised the sat nav was having a fit. All the way there it was trying to send us in a different direction. It wasn't until we got there David realised I had spelt Windsor without a D in it. I had a dyslexic sat nav. Who knew there was a place called Winsor near Brighton.! Was great seeing some shire horses and the fantastic building and paintings and all the beautiful items in the castle. I particularly loved the Rembrandt selfie portrait. Talking of selfies, there we were trying to get a selfie and we got photo bombed by the Queen herself and her Hubby. Obviously both also taking a well earned rest today too, but it was a little n