Interviews..... Not my best thing!
Interviews... eek! Currently trying to make my way in life as an artist. Its not easy. Today was particularly bad, as a customer who requested a commission has changed her mind. So for the first time since my return, I was considering returning to 'normal' employment. Sadly 8 years ago I had to give up being a Quality and Environmental engineer to move to Malaysia for my Husbands career. Returning to the UK 3 years ago we decided to continue the art career I started in Malaysia and not return to the rat race as I had been out of the loop perhaps a little too long. So today we were discussing my retuning to the workplace and I mentioned that I haven't been to an interview in years.... and recalled the weirdest one. It was for a global auditing company we all will know, but I won't mention the name. During the interview they asked me to draw how I see myself on a white board..... weird I thought but not one to shy away from a challenge........I drew a wooden ch...