
Showing posts from February 3, 2018

Happy Birthday to me....

Today is my Birthday and I'm all alone and feeling a little sorry for myself. Hubby is away and so far, not even a card hidden anywhere. I was meant to be travelling with him but he changed his mind and didn't want me to go. To make matters worse he will be visiting my Californian sister and family on the day of my birthday and kindly shared the fun emails of what they will be doing together. (Rub it in why don't you.) Gutted is putting it mildly.    :'( Luckily google knew and wished me happy birthday which was pretty cool. I even got all excited when the post came but just junk mail and a bill. Deep joy! In fact the bill is an Import Duty and VAT charge for a present someone sent me at Christmas. After numerous calls to DHL a month or so ago it was agreed I didn't need to pay it, and now the day after I have thrown all the paperwork away I receive this. And yes the bin men have been..... Isn't that always the way? Facebook is pretty good too in the fac