
Showing posts from August 29, 2018

Am I too old to be a hippy?

My lovely Hubby David looked at me tonight as if I was mad. I only asked him to retire.... OK and to sell all our stuff, rent out our house, buy a motor home or big bus and travel to world. He then told me I was too old to be a Hippy. TOO OLD!! Ohhh.... he was lucky I didn't have anything pointy in my hand, lol.  He also said he didn't want to live in something that didn't have a decent toilet. Ha ha ha. He said it's ok for a holiday, but not to live in one permanently. I then happily mentioned he said it was OK for a holiday. HURRAH! My ploy to get David in a camper van for a little travelling holiday was working. Ask for the moon and stars, and although you may not get it, you may get a little star dust. Sadly my plan then failed. Realising what he had said, David promptly retracted his statement that a camper van was ok for a holiday, and there it was gone. Ho Hum! my devious plan nearly worked. Do you think buying a big bus was a ste

Living the dream.... just changing it slightly and its all going crazy!

 I am 'Living the Dream'. I have always said i'm not sure who's dream it is, as it's not quite what I envisaged, but here I am doing my best to keep everyone happy and when i'm lucky, do something I want to do too.  So how strange it felt to be asked to return to work in my Quality capacity. I often offer David advice at work when he has an audit, or quality issue etc.  (..only when asked of course) He decided he needed some extra professional advice. So after a quick interview at temporary staffing agency I have returned to work as a Quality consultant. Mainly performing internal audits and offering help and advice. My first day was rather nerve-wracking but I soon got into the swing of things and my first audit was under my belt. My second audit was easier and after some adjustments to the audit form and audit process, as well as some homework looking into KPI's for the department, I feel my presence is value added.  It's interestin