
Showing posts from March 1, 2020

A very unlikely pilgrimage and GBBO cake

This years challenge is reading A friend told me that this year she was going to challenge herself to read a book a month. Thinking that I haven’t read a book for quite a while or actually made much time to just relax, I decided to join her challenge. Normally I would paint to chill out but it’s quite cold in my studio at the moment and by the time I get home from work it’s just too dark, so reading seemed like an excellent idea.  That same week my Niece told me about ‘Borrow Box’. It’s a free app from your local library so you can borrow ebooks and audio books for free. The fact it’s free is brilliant, but what is even better is I can read books without a light on at night which could wake David or, if I want, I can just listen to an ebook and someone will tell me a story which I just love. It reminds me of my childhood and being read to at bed time, and yes, it still sends me off to the land of nod dreaming of the story as I drift off to sleep with unicorns or beautiful mounta