
Showing posts from March 7, 2018

Back on Track

Trying to eat healthily while you have flu is impossible if your Husbands idea of feeding you is take-out or bread in its various forms. And if he's out all day, well you just grab what you can and thats usually unhealthy as getting up is an effort in itself.  There's not a lot in the cupboards or the fridge so its a case of making do! Hubby did take me shopping a couple of days ago just to get me out the house but I only managed to grab a few items before I just wanted to collapse. Today I'm feeling soooooo much better so i'm able to stand up a bit longer to make something tasty, I'm having a mixed chopped raw salad, beans and cottage cheese.  It was rather tasty and the raw chopped salad was delish. Just a few things I found in the fridge; apple, cabbage, onion, cauliflower, carrot and some flavourings of mustard, honey, raspberry vinegar and lemon olive oil. Sprinkle in a few chopped nuts and seeds and pulse it in the Thermomix for 1.5 second