Happy Birthday to me....

Today is my Birthday and I'm all alone and feeling a little sorry for myself. Hubby is away and so far, not even a card hidden anywhere. I was meant to be travelling with him but he changed his mind and didn't want me to go. To make matters worse he will be visiting my Californian sister and family on the day of my birthday and kindly shared the fun emails of what they will be doing together. (Rub it in why don't you.) Gutted is putting it mildly.    :'(

Luckily google knew and wished me happy birthday which was pretty cool. I even got all excited when the post came but just junk mail and a bill. Deep joy! In fact the bill is an Import Duty and VAT charge for a present someone sent me at Christmas. After numerous calls to DHL a month or so ago it was agreed I didn't need to pay it, and now the day after I have thrown all the paperwork away I receive this. And yes the bin men have been..... Isn't that always the way?

Facebook is pretty good too in the fact it sends birthday reminders to everyone. I'm getting numerous birthday posts from many friends I haven seen in years which is just lovely. Im so grateful to Facebook myself reminding me when its my friends birthdays, I'm such a forgetful bunny!

I'm sitting with my feet up enjoying my breakfast, coffee and some chocolate enjoying old movies on the Talking pics TV channel. The movie is called Behemoth and its just fab with its old style monsters, camera angles, clothing, sets and even with its old stereotypes. Love it!

I can't even be bothered to make some 'cheer me up' pancakes, so I made a healthy breakfast Burrito. Really fast to make and devoured in seconds. I gobbled it up so fast I didn't take a picture, so here is a picture of a burrito I found on the internet. lol

Breakfast Burrito

  Make Guacamole (only need half this amount)
     - One avocado mashed with 1 chopped tomato and spring onion.
        Add salt, pepper and dash of lemon and if brave enough, some tabasco

  Scramble some egg in the microwave.
     - In a microwaveable cup add 1 egg, salt, pepper, dash of milk & micro for about 1 minute
        (depending on your size of egg and microwave wattage)

  Make health cheats sour cream
    - 2 tbsp Total fat free yogurt to 1 tsp lemon juice

  Warm your tortilla wrap for 10 seconds in the microwave.

  Assemble all the components, wrap and enjoy.
   Saving half the guacamole for dipping later with your bottle of bubbly.

Although in the time its taken me to type this, a Moon Pig delivery of flowers just turned up from hubby, I'm still pretty upset with him. But as always.... I will keep smiling and will eventually let it go.

Love and light peeps
dbee xx

PS - The flowers are really beautiful and I've forgiven him already. Not because he sent flowers, which is a miracle for him, as this is the only the 5th time he brought me flowers in 20 years!! Its because I love him and I know he loves me. And at the end of the day thats all that really matters. Don't do you think?



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