Interviews..... Not my best thing!

Interviews... eek!
Currently trying to make my way in life as an artist. Its not easy. Today was particularly bad, as a customer who requested a commission has changed her mind. So for the first time since my return, I was considering returning to 'normal' employment.

Sadly 8 years ago I had to give up being a Quality and Environmental engineer to move to Malaysia for my Husbands career. Returning to the UK 3 years ago we decided to continue the art career I started in Malaysia and not return to the rat race as I had been out of the loop perhaps a little too long.

So today we were discussing my retuning to the workplace and I mentioned that I haven't been to an interview in years.... and recalled the weirdest one. It was for a global auditing company we all will know, but I won't mention the name. During the interview they asked me to draw how I see myself on a white board..... weird I thought but not one to shy away from a challenge........I
drew a wooden chopping board.

Now my artistic talents were not shining through back then so it was just a 3d rectangle. I told them I was not flashy or false plastic, but hard working, reliable, always useful and needed by many..... They told me no one they had interviewed had answered like that, but had drawn a picture of themselves. ....I still didn't get the job. I guess interviews are not my thing. ha ha ha

What was your worst interview?

X Love and Light Peeps X


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