Dyslexic Sat Nav and Photo bombed by the Queen and Prince Phillip

David, my Husband seems to have a problem taking time off and using his holiday. He's not a workaholic, but he does care about his work and his team, so taking time off is always a worry to him. But today after some persuasion he took a day off to go to Windsor Castle. I put the place in the sat nav and off we went, after a few minutes we realised the sat nav was having a fit. All the way there it was trying to send us in a different direction. It wasn't until we got there David realised I had spelt Windsor without a D in it. I had a dyslexic sat nav. Who knew there was a place called Winsor near Brighton.!

Was great seeing some shire horses and the fantastic building and paintings and all the beautiful items in the castle. I particularly loved the Rembrandt selfie portrait. Talking of selfies, there we were trying to get a selfie and we got photo bombed by the Queen herself and her Hubby. Obviously both also taking a well earned rest today too, but it was a little naughty getting in our photo. lol. I did invite them both to lunch but sadly they had other plans, shame really as the gin and tonic I had was amazing. Went to the Queen Charlotte Pub for lunch, and had a strawberry and mint gin and tonic. YUM!! Their loss lol. 

After a long day we returned home and I finished off a commission painting for a friend of the Queen Royal Yacht, The Britannia. Watercolour on paper. Im pretty pleased with the result, i'm sure the our new friend Lizzy would like it too.

David, bless him, made me some supper while I packed the painting away ready to deliver Sunday. We only had toast and peanut butter, but its nice to be waited on now and then, makes me feel like the Queen. It was my home made peanut butter too. Very easy to make, just toast some nuts (I use peanuts and various other nuts and seeds). Then blitz in a processor while hot with some coconut oil, salt and olive oil to make it spreadable. Keep it in the fridge as it has no preservatives and this tasty no sugar, healthy fat spread will make you smile and you will never buy shop brought nut butter full of sugar, palm oil and additives ever again. 

Give it a go and let me know what you think. If you want to sweeten it just add a little honey. So until next time

X Love and Light Peeps X
       dbee x

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