
Showing posts from November, 2020

I am entering in a cooking show!!

Are cooking shows running out of ideas? Do cooking shows really need to use armed forces recipes for technical challenges? The Great British Bakeoff technical challenge in Series 11 Episode 8 was 'Sussex Pond Pudding'. According to Pru Leith it's a suet pastry filled with butter and sugar, encasing a whole lemon. It reminded my Husband of a savoury Navy delicacy lovingly called, ' Babies Heads ' which is in fact Steak and Kidney Pudding. A tasty comfort food delight for many of our armed forces. I guess if you have a warped vivid imagination it does look a little like a babies head perhaps??   We thought it wouldn't be long before another Navy favourite would appear on a cooking show.  But we were rather surprised to see Monica Galetti on Master Chef : The Professionals - Episode 13 Series 8 - cooking the much loved Navy breakfast 'Sh!t on a raft '. And no I cannot seem to type the correct spelling of this wonder food. Monica called it Devilled Kidneys,