
Showing posts from February, 2018

Happy Chinese New Year of the Dog - Gong Xi Fa Cai

I am sometimes asked to paint commissions and they are usually pet requests. I do prefer to paint Motorbikes, cars, houses or even churches or venues people get married in, but pets are what I seem to be gravitating towards out of peoples love for their best furry friends. This week it was a jet black dog I met at the Emsworth craft fair which for the first time I excitedly participated in. With bags, T-shirts, and jewellery as well as artwork, doodles and prints I waited patiently at my stall. Sadly only sold a few Queen Elisabeth Aircraft carrier cards but I did get a commission which will at least pay for the table.  So let me introduce you to Wellington. A lovely little dog with a sparkly bow tie and a sweetest and most affectionate persona you could want in a furry best friend. Black is quite a difficult colour to paint as there are so many different shades of it. I find adding a touch of blue helps deepen the colour where needed, or it just looks a bit grey. I

Votes for women

What a great film this is. Brought into reality by a great script, superb direction and excellent acting.  If you haven't seen it yet, its well worth a look. Whilst I am eternally grateful to the women, and men, who were Suffragettes and fought for my right to vote. Yet I wonder have we all forgotten that it wasn't that long ago that men also had to fight for their right to vote. In the not so long ago past, voting was property dependant. The Telegraph  has an interesting article and I'm shocked as I never knew that voting was so restricted to so many for so long.  Today I was down the allotment pruning the trees and shrubs as well as tying up the blackberries. The weather looked so warm outside but oh my at 2 degrees it was freezing! However job is done and I look forward to healthy juicy fruit and veg smoothies. Love and light peeps dbee x

Happy Birthday to me....

Today is my Birthday and I'm all alone and feeling a little sorry for myself. Hubby is away and so far, not even a card hidden anywhere. I was meant to be travelling with him but he changed his mind and didn't want me to go. To make matters worse he will be visiting my Californian sister and family on the day of my birthday and kindly shared the fun emails of what they will be doing together. (Rub it in why don't you.) Gutted is putting it mildly.    :'( Luckily google knew and wished me happy birthday which was pretty cool. I even got all excited when the post came but just junk mail and a bill. Deep joy! In fact the bill is an Import Duty and VAT charge for a present someone sent me at Christmas. After numerous calls to DHL a month or so ago it was agreed I didn't need to pay it, and now the day after I have thrown all the paperwork away I receive this. And yes the bin men have been..... Isn't that always the way? Facebook is pretty good too in the fac