
Showing posts from May, 2018

The colour purple and Wedding bells ......part 2

Just a little update on my shopping nightmare. No it's not the dress for the wedding. I have the dress now and it's been approved by the Bride to be herself. PHEW!! To be honest she said I could wear anything I wanted but I really wanted to please her. No, the next shopping nightmare is the shoes.  Think of my utter joy when after just a few minutes I found a perfect pair of shoes in Tesco's. Yes Tesco's for goodness sake. I had been to Next, M&S, Primark, Clarks and even Top shop. I had already given up after 15 minutes and thought I would grab a few items in the supermarket. As I walked past the shoes there they were... glinting in the artificial light. I cannot believe my luck they are the perfect colour and even had my size, and to top it all..... they are mega comfy!  I keep walking round saying.... " I have shoes" to anyone who will listen. Although the strangers I passed on the way home did give me a funny look and a wide birth! lol. 

The birds are gagging but oven won't win... will it?!

My Big little bro and gorgeous Sister in Law are visiting from New Zealand and there is a gathering at her Dads house. I'm so excited I could burst. We haven't seen them in 8 years and never met their son Jasper, who, I must add with pride, I helped name. As they are so into organic healthy living on this lovely planet, and do so as Environmentally friendly as they can for themselves and this beautiful place we call Earth, I felt his name should reflect this and suggested his second name be Forest which they chose.  The request for the gathering is for me to bring dessert or a cake so it was to be Caribbean carrot cake   easily made in my Thermomix. ..... or so I thought. now I always check the mix by tasting the batter but the mix tasted a little weird. I should have just stopped there and looked at what I had done but I stupidly did not.  One hour later the cake was removed from the oven and promptly sunk! To be honest I was pretty angry as there was a fresh pineappl

Oh the irony of today.....

Sadly unlike my Hee Haw Zebra, I was not laughing today.  A couple of days ago I moved some paving slabs and dug out lots of plants ready for a new patio which, thanks to the lovely sunny weather, I made the most of one evening after one of my Emsworth Art trail days. I cooked a quick BBQ to christen it, I say quick, I had to make the burgers from scratch, but with my trusty Thermomix they were made in no time. The other 2 days of the Arts trail were tiring but I gladly enjoyed chatting to the visitors and even sold a few pieces of jewellery, T-shirts, bags, lots of cards and even a painting. Happy Days indeed!! Emsworth Art Trail 2018 Yesterday I spent the day cleaning the pond which was exhausting but seeing all the fish happy in their newly cleaned home it was worth it. After the digging, the slabs and now the pond my back was now letting me know it was not happy. ....So many bucketfuls to empty the the pond, scoop out much of the silt and then so many bucketful f

You know it's love when ......

This was a bespoke card in watercolour for a couple who loved their camper van and model helicopters. I thought it quite apt for todays blog as a friend recently asked me how I knew my Husband was the man for me to marry.  It's a really good question and one I have given considerable thought to, so here are 10 answers from both me and my David. I know there are more, but these just came to mind.  You know it's love when: 1 - Even though you never got an engagement ring, but they proposed with a cement goose..... you wouldn't part with that lump of painted cement for any diamond! 2 - They say you are beautiful/handsome the moment you wake up, with the drool still on the side of your cheek! 3 - They get up even when they are tired and pour you a glass of wine because you are too exhausted to move. 4 - They ban you from doing the smelly dirty jobs with the words, "That's for me to do, not you." 5 - They apologise when they are wrong.