Living the dream.... just changing it slightly and its all going crazy!

 I am 'Living the Dream'. I have always said i'm not sure who's dream it is, as it's not quite what I envisaged, but here I am doing my best to keep everyone happy and when i'm lucky, do something I want to do too. 

So how strange it felt to be asked to return to work in my Quality capacity. I often offer David advice at work when he has an audit, or quality issue etc.  (..only when asked of course) He decided he needed some extra professional advice. So after a quick interview at temporary staffing agency I have returned to work as a Quality consultant. Mainly performing internal audits and offering help and advice.

My first day was rather nerve-wracking but I soon got into the swing of things and my first audit was under my belt. My second audit was easier and after some adjustments to the audit form and audit process, as well as some homework looking into KPI's for the department, I feel my presence is value added. 

It's interesting how just returning to my previous life in Quality a few days a month has got my brain back into gear and I feel less fuzzy headed and more focused. It surprised me that my Art business, workshops and markets as well as volunteering was just not enough for me at this time of my life. Although I did not work whilst in Penang I did start up and manage cooking classes, begin my art career, volunteer and moderate a forum which was possibly enough for me, as it was a very stressful time as an ExPat even with the tropical palm trees and sunshine.

Now I am back focusing on the next Craft Fair, painting pendants and printing cards as well as all the other things I have to do in order to prepare. That is until i'm called back to the dark side ...... to audit another area.

All my jewellery, Tshirts, paintings, bags, prints and other items I sell at craft fairs are available via my ETSY page,    'Dbee Robinson Artist'

X Love and Light Peeps X
until next time
dbee x


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