It's all about the size of it!

So I continue to diet, exercise, paint and prepare for my upcoming exhibitions in March and May as well as my first Craft Market event in February. This painting is watercolour on rice paper titled 'Peaceful Poppies'. Whilst I do enjoy sharing my paintings etc. I do feel a little vulnerable and exposed. I have also updated my SAA profile and must add some more paintings to the gallery. click here to view. Again putting my heart and soul on show for all to comment on. Got to be brave when you are an artist..... I still find it hard calling myself that, but after selling paintings and doing commission work for strangers, I think I have the right to call myself that.... but it is still weird.

I do have something fun to look forward to this week other than the thought of scary comments on my new profile page. A Burns Night of Dancing, Haggis and Whisky. Sadly I only like one of this things but I am sure it will be fun and its always a good excuse to dress up. Something I must do more often. I seem to have turned into a slob! As I work from home I just can't be bothered to put anything nice on, so its old t-shirts and baggy jogging bottoms. And if I haven't put on any make up and have crazy hair well,  it makes me look like an old homeless vagrant. I shamefully say I even popped to the corner shop looking like this. Dear oh Dear! I really must take some pride in myself again soon, very soon!!

My lovely Mum 2 has lent me a long tartan wrap over kilt for the event and she's Ok for me to move the buttons to fit my more rotund shape. I have noticed with some horror my waistline is nearly the same size my hips were pre childbirth! How on earth did that happen?? When did that happen?? I guess all the baggy clothes with stretchy waist bands that have allowed my girth to grow un checked.  Actually it could be all about the size of my portions. My meals have grown in size like my waist so shrinking my portions down is a must. Its all well and good eating healthier and exercising, but if your portions are too big......

Its sickening and depressing but not all is lost. (she said to herself in desperation) Im still healthy enough to exercise so every time I brush my teeth I do Butt and Tum exercises. Two minutes of sucking them both in as if my life depended on it. If my Husband ever came in an saw he would think I was having some sort of fit! One time he came into the bath room while I was on the floor sorting my back out with a few exercises while it was still hot from the shower and he freaked out thinking I had collapsed. Keeps him on his toes I guess. lol

So the size of me is due to the size of my portions, and out of control due to my baggy bottoms which in turn has given me a .... baggy bottom...... (Sigh!)

Must add at least one more picture on my profile so it may as well be this one.

Love and light peeps
dbee x


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