Uh Oh! The tables have turned

My husband loves photography, it's his passion or perhaps I should say obsession. If he's not taking photos, he's editing them and if he's not editing them he's looking for new photo opportunities. The photos are so clear and well thought out with him sometimes waiting for ages for the right cloud to come by for his perfect shot. 

I mainly take photos as a memory keep sake, or perhaps to use for inspiration for a painting. Some times I have asked him to take a particular shot and used his photo for a painting, but normally I would just take a photo with my own 'point and click' camera or mobile phone. I love this one of us at the Devil's punchbowl at Hindhead taken using my mobile.

Now we like to go for walks, and I say walks in the loosest of terms as, as when he has his camera it's more of a stop than a walk. Every few steps he will stop and spend minutes lining up a shot, waiting for the correct light to hit a certain spot.... It's infuriating! I would either stand around waiting getting bored or walk off on my own and then hang around at the end of the path or even finish the whole walk alone and have to wait for him to catch up. Argh! He's tried to get me interested in using his old SLR camera but I have the worst memory out (Another thank you to the Menapause) I can never remember all the correct buttons let alone the setting I should use for each type of shot, so I just follow him around and carry his tripod. (No that's not a euphemism) ha ha! I have since found out there are quite a few photography widows out there and often thought I should start up a Camera Widow club.

Well we recently got back from Penang in Malyasia and I now have to take all the huffing and puffing I have said back. My good old camera is broken beyond repair and so my wonderful Hubby had great pleasure choosing me a new one. My criteria for the replacement was small, easy point and click with a zoom. My Husbands criteria included the words: RAW, pixel, sensor, and a few others I have already forgotten. Needless to say the camera I have is pretty amazing as you can see by this aeroplane shot, the man done good. 

So now the tables have turned, this fab compact camera is such fun to use I keep stopping to try out the different modes. Fish eye, macro and of course the zoom which is just amazing to name just a few. I had great fun taking a few shots on the watercress line which are in and earlier blog, but now I'm turning into his monster creation, I want to stop every few steps and take a photo and dare I say I spend ages lining up the shot. This lizard was quite a distance away but look how clear it is.

The macro setting is pretty good too, you can almost smell this frangipani flower. The camera is a compact Canon GX5 and I just love it. 

Penang has amazing food and in my next blog I will share some amazing recipes with you. Just comment below if you have any dishes you would like me to share, as I managed to get many recipes from the cooking school I helped start at a hotel there.

Until next time, 
Love and Light peeps
dbee x


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