
Showing posts from February, 2019

Watoto Children's Choir

The Shrubbery Sunrise. I know we all have bad days, but recently I had a particularly 'Blue' day. Even though the sunrise was truly beautiful that morning, and I feel blessed to see such a lovely view from my garden, the memories of this day just made me feel sad as February the 5th was the day my Farther was informed he had Terminal Cancer. Two weeks later he was gone and the hole in my heart has never really healed. So I painted what was in my heart that day, and with the aid of this beautiful sunrise, my Oil on Canvas 'Sunset on a Blue Day' was created.  Sunset on a Blue Day. Later in the week my cousin, who is a Minister, informed us of a special evening coming to the Cowplain Evangelical Church where he recently gave a presentation. The Watoto Children's Choir  was visiting and was an event not to be missed. The children's choir have sung across six continents over the past few years raising awareness for their vision and much needed funds

There is a little Church in my heart....

Watts Chapel We recently went to Guilford and decided to take the scenic route home via Comptom when we came upon a beautiful little place  Watts Chapel and Cemetery ,  (if you can call a cemetery beautiful that is.) The pictures above and below do not do the the chapel justice, it's truly breathtaking inside and out!  Even the Gravestones are artistic in one way or another with beautiful carvings or poems and some even have funny quotes.  Watts Chapel Interior The detail and passion in the artwork and carvings were inspiring and made me question my own belief which is simple, I believe in Human Beings. You don't need to go to church or temple etc to be a true Believer, Christian, Budist, Muslim etc. Just be a Human Being, my Church is in my heart.  So what is a Human Being? To me is is some one who thinks of others, forgiving, helpful, honest, kind, generous, etc, and puts themselves in others shoes, generally someone who does their very best at being a good perso

Now I can see, It wasn't all about me.... Call the Midwife and the Cleft palate

Nanna and Me Now I can really see my birth defect was NOT all about me. I was not the only one suffering! This is the earliest photo of me I can find. It is of me and my Nanna who, I was told, had a special spot in her heart for me, as I was 'special'. This photo must have been taken just a few months after my skin graft when my lip was stitched up. (The bone would be grafted to close the hole in the roof of my mouth when I was older) I was a baby born in the 1960's with a Cleft Palate and recently watched 'Call the Midwife.' ( The program had a huge effect on me from start to finish. The sense of admiration and sadness for my parents, especially my Mother flowed over me like a Tsunami. I have only really considered how I coped and was affected by my cleft. I was always appreciative to my parents for their love and support with all my issues eating, the operations, dent

Is there something worse than shopping......?

Everyone who really knows me, know that I hate shopping. Not just a dislike, a loathe!! I not only find the whole experience uncomfortable but I have been known to panic and run out a shop. I wouldn't say it was a phobia or anything that serious. But sometimes it is a definite problem for me. A recent wedding had me almost screaming as I just couldn't work out what to wear to please everyone, including myself. Eventually all was sorted, but I was having nightmares over something that should have been exciting and a pleasure. I was ok deciding what to wear to the wedding and had chosen an outfit, then the bride informed me she wanted the bridal party to coordinate colours and I thought that was a lovely idea. So I purchased dress number 2 and Hubby stated it was not formal enough, well this put me in a tailspin. I purchased a third dress, had it checked by Hubby and the Bride to ensure for their approval, but still panicked right up until the day of the wedding. So