The hard facts for Artisans.

Black and White Cat with Bamboo

I was once asked why my paintings were so expensive?

It was for a Chinese painting titled 'Black and white cat with bamboo.' Its a large 46cm x 64cm framed watercolour and ink painting on rice paper that had taken many hours to paint in layers as well as traditional style backing with more rice paper and then framed. Now if I paid myself the minimum wage for the 25+ hours I had spent painting it would be far to expensive and no one would buy it, so I thought £65 was a good price. When I explained it was an original painting that wasn't mass produced but created with love and attention to detail in the traditional Chinese way they began to understand. 

I then explained it didn't include all the years learning Chinese art techniques or the many hours and experiments that went wrong preparing and trialing this artwork, it was just for the materials, frame and approximate time spent on this artwork alone. They were then astounded I was selling it so cheaply. I wonder how many others expect Tesco, Asda, The Range, B&Q, etc. prices at art exhibitions or any hand made craft fair?

Black dog with red bow tie

Then you have the people who book commissions and never pay up. They are the most heartbreaking as you are creating an item specifically for them, their house, their cat, their wedding venue, their motor bike, etc. And many of these artworks cannot be sold to others as it portrays the characteristics of their Pet or indeed their house. This Black dog was infact very difficult to get the layers of black paint just right to show his curly fur. It took over 15 hours to produce this finished framed painting and the lady in question stated it did not look like her dog. My confidence was crushed so I took the painting and the original photo to my art group to critique it, and we do advise each other honestly or we don't improve!! 

One artist friend looked at it and stated, "That looks like Bellington! I painted him for a woman and she never paid me." 

It was indeed 'Bellington' and although I was saddened to hear neither of us got paid, in my case the £65 owed, I was grateful to hear she recognised the dog and therefore my painting was pretty accurate! This was a hard learning curve for me and now I take a deposit! Luckily also this black dog looks like many other black dogs so I am ever hopeful it will sell, but probably not for the amount I was originally asking. 

Luckily my Husband supports me in my endeavours and likes most of my artwork. He has only disliked one so much he wanted to burn it! But he is colourblind and what he sees is sometimes vividly different to what I and others see. He also is patient when I get so engrossed with my art I forget to cook his dinner for when he gets home from work! So I always have a few recipes I can cook in just a few minutes in my Thermomix.

GEM Triptych art (Galaxy, Earth, Moon)

Last night I finished my GEM triptych art painting of 3 (30cm x 40cm) separate paintings that are in fact one artwork, which I have been working on for months. Don't ask how many hours its taken as its just too many to count and currently I am unsure how to price it. However nothing was cooked and he was starving!! So a few biscuits with his cup of tea while I rustled up a Red pepper and Chorizo Risotto (Recipe by Fiesty Tapas)  is such a saviour and ready in 30 mins! 

Red pepper and chorizo risotto by Fiesty Tapas

So tonight I must make amends and create what I promised him last night which is Pot Sticker Dumplings, Red bean steamed buns, Singapore Laksa and possibly Shanghai soup dumplings. All of which I learnt from Chef Vincent at the cooking class I started with him and Chef Lim at the the Ghotel in Penang. 

Chef Lim, Me, Chef Tan and Chef Vincent at Ghotel Penang 

 Chef Vincent now runs his own very successful academy GCCA (Golden Chef College of Culinary Arts) and now has the pastry chef, Chef Tan who I learnt many a dessert from teaching there too. It's an amazing college and they teach everything from local cuisine, to fine dining, pastries to coffee baristas and cocktail mixology to hospitality with City and Guilds approved certification. Such hard work to create this fantastic college, but what an achievement for Chef Vincent in just a few years!!

Golden Chef Academy. GCCA

I visited the college recently for just an hour and left fully kitted out in chef whites, a gift I will treasure always. GCCA was a joy to behold and I felt privileged to have learnt so many things from these 2 amazing chefs. So tonight I just might wear my chef whites in honour of these 2 chefs and cook a splendid dinner for my lovely husband, well thats unless I get distracted and continue painting  some jewellery for the Emsworth Art trail. (May 4, 5, 6 2019) 

I will be exhibiting at the Emsworth Community centre, so come along and say hi and enjoy some great art and crafts by many amazing artists. The Emsworth Art trail is one of the few art trails you can walk around to see all the exhibiting artists so its well worth attending. As well as my Art I will be exhibiting my hand painted jewellery, and Quality T-shirts printed by a local printer quality NON IRON fabric!!

Well I'm off to buy some minced meat for my Pot sticker dumplings..... after I paint the other side of my pendants!

What would you pay for my GEM Triptych artwork?

Do you have a favourite stand by dinner you can rustle up in minutes? 
If so please share it with me as I may need it tonight!! ha ha

 X Love and Light Peeps X

dbee x


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