I WON Cursed Child lottery tickets.

For months I have been entering the Friday Forty to win tickets to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. This week was my lucky week... I won discounted tickets to see both parts of the play for two people. Total cost £80 and I'm told they are good viewing seats too!! How lucky was I, and of course the person I intend to take!

After some googling it seems you can't take snacks in, I do hope they let me take my water in. I use a refillable bottle I purchased so I will be upset if they confiscate it as some reviewers and bloggers have said.

Anyway, I'm too excited to care. I re read the book yesterday, yup I read the whole book in a day so no painting got done which is a little naughty I know but its really rare I sit and have some 'ME' time, no matter what people think I do all day at home.

Guan Yin test piece 2

So I had better stop typing and get painting. Today i'm trailing how to do a Buda / Guan Yin painting for a friend. (My friend and I saw the one in Penang at the Kek Loc Si Temple) It's coming along ok. This is the stuff those who purchase art do not see. The many tests and trials of a piece before it get to the customer.

But before I paint I think I will make some Rhubarb and custard cakes I invented... Recipe to follow soon.

Until next time
X Love and Light Peeps X

dbee x


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