On the scales..... Now I'm confused!

Sometimes I paint peoples pets, favourite car, bike or church they got married in, I don't earn much   but it is something I enjoy. Recently I offered to create a personalised 70th birthday card for a lovely lady I know, Im hoping it will keep my mind occupied as I'm a little annoyed and confused at the moment. 

Its been a couple of weeks since I started this 'Healthier Me' project so though I would jump on the scales to see if there has been any developments. I say JUMP but actually like most of us I tentatively crept onto the scales one toe at a time hoping if I did it gently enough it would be kind to me. NOT!

I'm confused!!!! My weight has gone down by ..... drum roll ....... 200 grams, BIG DEAL! Not quite what I was expecting after all my efforts, in fact Im a little angry. I was hoping for a little more than that. And my fat percentage .... big drum roll ..... has gone up by 0.1% which is more than annoying, its worrying.  I was hoping that as my weight went down so would my fat %. 

How confusing is that???

 I do hope this is not the norm as I have about 15 kilos to lose and if my fat goes up each time I loose weight I will be a Blob of lard by the time I reach my goal! lol.

Has anyone else found this when dieting??

love and light all 

from a confused and rather miffed dbee x


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