Happy New Year everyone

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and hope you had a fab Christmas. I couldn't share my card with you all before, as not all my family and friends had opened their cards and I didn't want to spoil the surprise of my fun fishy design this year. Christmas is a time for family and friends, to warm loving bonds, reconnect with those you haven't seen for a while, and share the season of hope and goodwill, and perhaps make new friends that will last a lifetime. 

Last year as a Christmas treat I took my grandchildren to the Watercress Line which was such a hoot. I just love these old steam trains and I love that I am able to volunteer on these amazing trains to help keep them running for future generations. Always a great day out but so picturesque at Christmas time.

This year I took my grandchildren to Marwell Zoo for Christmas which was a real fun afternoon of stories and activities with the promise of a visit to see the big man himself. I was truly overwhelmed by their wonderful letters they wrote to Santa while there. The two eldest children asked for items for them selves and for others including their siblings. 

One ended with "...but its ok if I get nothing" and the other ended with "....I want to spend Christmas with my family," which is just wonderful to think they both feel this way. 

The youngest letter really tugged my heart strings and made me shed a very happy tear. "...Dear Santa, I hope I get to meet you today, merry christmas...." When one of the elves explained he could wish for anything, his reply was priceless. "Thats all I want. I can't think of anything else I really want." And he really meant it, he just wanted to see Santa. He was so excited I thought he would burst! I know I nearly did with pride for them all.  I'm pleased to say he did see Father Christmas and insisted in sitting right in front of him. Looking and listening to his every word, in sheer delight and amazement. 

Well done all at Marwell Zoo for giving us all that glorious glow of wonder this Christmas. Its a great place to visit anytime of year for a walk as there is always something new to see. A years membership is cheaper than any gym I know and certainly more pleasant. A healthier walk than any treadmill, mud free, easy on the legs and in the open air which has got to be good.

Talking of healthy......With all the additives and chemicals in our food nowadays, making bread is a simple change we can all make and I have just the recipe that is so simple anyone can make it at any time. Its my friend Jo's  recipe which I changed slightly for the Thermomix, and a few more tweaks it proves in the fridge over night so you don't even have to  hang around while it proves. But Im sure you can easily change it back for conventional making if you don't own a TMX.

Jo's Lazy Git Bread

In this order put in TMX jug......

300g water
2 tsp yeast
2 tbsp sugar (or 35g honey)

37ºc for 2 mins at speed 2

Add 25g oil and mix for 15 seconds at speed 2 

Add 500g strong flour
1 tsp salt

Mix 5 seconds on speed 7
Knead 4:30 minutes and put in tin

Then leave to prove 1-3 hours and when doubled in size cook at 200ºc for 30-35 mins until hollow sound is heard when bread tapped underneath.

IF PROVING IN FRIDGE (2 different ways)
Cover with an oiled very loose fitting plastic wrap and put in fridge for the day or overnight.
When ready, remove plastic film and put in a cold oven and set to 185ºc for 30-40 mins
Cook until hollow sound is heard when bread tapped underneath.

Remove from fridge and bring up to temperature for 1 hour. 
Remove plastic film and put in a cold oven and set to 175ºc for 30-40 mins
Cook until hollow sound is heard when bread tapped underneath.

NOTE - Everyones oven is different but I have found if you listen for the hollow sound you cannot go wrong. If its not quite a that hollow sound, keep the bread out the tin and put back in the oven upside-down for another 5 mins or so.

CHANGES - I usually add 2 tbsp of seeds, 1 tbsp chopped nuts and sometimes also 1 tbsp fruit and a tsp of cinnamon when adding the flour. 

Makes fab sandwiches, great toast and keeps well in a sealed container or slice and freeze.

Well I'm off for a walk to cool off another menopausal flush ( well at least this cold weather has some advantages) and burn off some of the Christmas chocolates that seem to jump in my mouth every time I pass the bowl. I think we have enough to last us until Easter and may just put some away to save my arteries!! 

If you have an easy healthy recipe I would love to see it.

So much Love and Light to you all and lets hope 2018 is kind to us all
dbee x


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