Marriage - Soul mates or Husbands and Wives

Black and white yin yang
The Yin to my Yang?

Do you have a soul mate? What is a soul mate anyway?

I'm married to a great guy but he's not my soul mate, I'm not sure I even know what one is. If you know then please do enlighten me by simply commenting below.

He's not even my best friend, that job goes to another soul who knows and understands me better than I do. He's not perfect and he doesn't complete me as i'm not an incomplete person. He sometimes infuriates me (and I him) and sometimes we even have to leave the room to hold our tongues, but that's so rare it's a shock when we feel that way. 

What I am sure of though, is he's a good man with good morals and a kind heart. He makes me laugh, supports my dreams and does his best, and I try to do the same for him. There are a lot more positive thoughts I could add but i'm sure you get my drift? Occasionally he makes great choices and decisions.... e.g. - When he said "I DO" all those years ago. Ha Ha. And because of him I know the difference between loving someone and being IN love with someone, and i'm glad to say we still feel both for each other.

No matter what you do in life, it's your life and your responsibility for your happiness as well as your sadness, your anguish, your fears, etc. Don't expect others to make you happy. Don't blame others for your unhappiness, as its your choice if you let them upset you.

People will tell you marriage is all about making each other happy and compromise, but to me it's not quite all that. Yes you must learn to compromise, but my doodle art 'Yin Yang' is how I feel about marriage. Being two separate people but linked together in harmony. Matching and understanding each others feelings and morals, and enjoying each others company. Yet having a life together with our joint, and our own individual activities and likes. This is a healthy relationship and like the true meaning of Yin and Yang, we give each other energy to enjoy life to the full, together.

Now I did promise you a recipe in this blog so here is one I will be making David for breakfast. Now I did say its not my responsibility to make David happy, But it's the simple things you do that tells each other you love them which can make them happy which in turn makes me happy. I know David loved the 'Cheesy, Hammy, Egg' breakfast he got in the Navy, so after some investigations and a few experiments here is one of his favourite breakfasts.

Navy breakfast of cheesy hammy eggs
Cheesy Hammy Egg

2 Bread, slice of Ham, slice of Cheese, 1 Egg

Grill bread on one side and turn it over.
Place ham and cheese on the untested side, grill till it browns
Add a fried egg on top
Dash of salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce
Top with the second slice of toast making sure the untested side is next to the egg to soak up all the yolky yumminess. 

Note - It's not low carb but it is simple and delicious! I have added a second piece of toast on the top to make it easier to eat but to reduce calories go with the authentic recipe of one slice and poach the egg.

So I had better get on and start his breakfast as I can hear him getting up.
Remember what ever you do in life remember its your life and your responsibility to make yourself happy and don't allow yourself to let others make you sad.

Love and Light Peeps
dbee x


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