Walking the walk

Well its been over a week now and I have been logging my food, exercise (long walks) sleep patterns and how I feel. My weight hasn't really moved but I must say I feel so much better. This FitBit really has motivated me to watch what I eat and how much I move. Yesterday I did just over 22,000 steps. It included a long walk and finishing the garden. I slept well and this morning feel rested.

Looking back at what I would normally eat, I was all to lazy and would reach for a biscuit when peckish but now I hold off and eat fruit. I would always have cake when I was out and about having a coffee, now I just have a coffee. I would all to easily reach for a bag of crisps in the evening, now I have a small handful of nuts and I don't deprive myself, I may even have a Port!

I think the trick is not to diet, but to change your way of thinking. Im off to make breakfast, a healthy one and quite delicious!!

Love and light peoples 
dbee x


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