
Showing posts from January, 2018

It's all about the size of it!

So I continue to diet, exercise, paint and prepare for my upcoming exhibitions in March and May as well as my first Craft Market event in February. This painting is watercolour on rice paper titled 'Peaceful Poppies'. Whilst I do enjoy sharing my paintings etc. I do feel a little vulnerable and exposed. I have also updated my SAA profile and must add some more paintings to the gallery. click here to view. Again putting my heart and soul on show for all to comment on. Got to be brave when you are an artist..... I still find it hard calling myself that, but after selling paintings and doing commission work for strangers, I think I have the right to call myself that.... but it is still weird. I do have something fun to look forward to this week other than the thought of scary comments on my new profile page. A Burns Night of Dancing, Haggis and Whisky. Sadly I only like one of this things but I am sure it will be fun and its always a good excuse to dress up. Something I mu

Mid-Hants Railway the Watercress Line - Volunteer With Us

Just love this video. Make sure you turn the sound up and just enjoy being on the footplate. It was made by one of our volunteers on the Watercress line and it just shows how wonderful these magnificent steam trains really are. We are hoping to have one made for the countryman coaches. This is where I volunteer either behind the bar or waitressing, however we all do what ever is necessary or needed to keep everything running smoothly.  I wonder if my Fitbit will really register the distance travelled when working on the train. I may confuse the hell out of it by selecting 'map my walk' and seeing just how many miles I walk when waitressing on a Sunday lunch on the train whilst travelling up and down the track. Did you know all the food on the countryman dining is cooked in a tiny kitchen on the train? From the soup to the coffee it is all cooked in the tiniest of places. I must add the meat is roasted at the station canteen but finished off on the train, bu

Is it wrong to eat chocolate while watching a weight management video

Was it wrong to watch a weight management video ( The Life Coach School )   while eating a banana and some chocolate? (yes thanks to my Dad I love to hate a bit of chocolate and a bite of banana at the same time.) Had to eat Hubbys salted dark chocolate as I cannot find my Dads favourite Old Jamaica chocolate.   Any one know where i can get this chocolate?? Needless to say I enjoyed the snack and my Leptin now tells me I am full LOL!! Love and Light peeps dbee x PS - Actually. Don't let me know where to get the chocolate as, like my other fave chocolate Peanut butter M&Ms I just cannot resist them!! Arrrrggghh

The BEST Savoury cheese and ham muffins

Hurrah!! After spending 2 hours looking for the recipe through my own On line recipe files, all my cook books (the pic is just a few of them) and of course On line itself,  I finally found the recipe I used for some great breakfast muffins. Thank goodness you can track your google history!! I knew the rough date as I was making them special for the guys at Daron Ford  garage on Hayling Island. I usually make them some cakes when on Hayling as they are simply the best, but as it was getting close to mince pie and sweetie over indulgence season I thought something savoury would hit the spot. They seemed to be a hit with them all too.    FYI - You don't just buy a car there you buy quality service from a great team. Thanks guys! Anyway.... I knew there was no courgette in them so dismissed any recipes with courgette, but stupidly I had forgotten I had swapped the courgette for apple. So now I can share these absolutely delicious breakfast muffins with you. I recommend swa

Healthy Food Planning & Best before / Use by dates

My art work is suffering as I try to return my body to a healthier state. I seem to spend more time meal planning and cooking than I used to, just trying to make healthier meals. Today Im not even really cooking I'm using up leftovers, yet still my art suffers as today its all about Best Before (BBF) & Use By (UB) dates The start of the New year I always check my freezer and cupboards to use up any food going out of date soon. This way the oldest possible date is 1 year, but if its best before I would still use it, making sure it was cooked well. Some how I found some opened semolina BBF dated sept 2015! How on earth did I miss that?? Needless to say it went in the bin as I thought 3 years past its BBF date was pushing it a bit. So this weeks food planning is using up whats in the freezer and cupboards. It's a bit like Iron Chef with the secret ingredient being what ever is in my freezer. Currently its cooked sliced beef, Chicken, ham and some yummy ham and ch

The Happy Hydrating H2O cycle

This is a waterfall I painted using Chinese ink on rice paper for my Husbands birthday a few years ago. The picture above is a 'work in progress' and took many hours layering the ink in different shades to give the illusion of the mountains in the distance and the water crashing down not the rocks below.  We are all advised to drink more water, but it's easier said than done for some, especially for me and my menopausal fog. I simply forget to drink water until I am really dehydrated, and by then my hands and lips are dry so it's a bit too late. So this year I am finding ways to remind myself to stay hydrated, by choosing daily events which will prompt me to drink more. Firstly - Wake up call  In the morning as soon as I get up I drink a glass of water. It's an easy habit for me to get into as I always take a glass of water to bed, so it's there ready for me in the morning. Check! Secondly - Minty fresh  Drinking a glass each time I brush my te

Happy New Year everyone

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year and hope you had a fab Christmas. I couldn't share my card with you all before, as not all my family and friends had opened their cards and I didn't want to spoil the surprise of my fun fishy design this year. Christmas is a time for family and friends, to warm loving bonds, reconnect with those you haven't seen for a while, and share the season of hope and goodwill, and perhaps make new friends that will last a lifetime.  Last year as a Christmas treat I took my grandchildren to the Watercress Line  which was such a hoot. I just love these old steam trains and I love that I am able to volunteer on these amazing trains to help keep them running for future generations. Always a great day out but so picturesque at Christmas time. This year I took my grandchildren to Marwell Zoo for Christmas which was a real fun afternoon of stories and activities with the promise of a visit to see the big man himself. I was truly overwhel

Confucius say....

Confucius say, "Girl who eat too much rubbish food get fat." How right he was. Its so difficult to stay eating healthy over Christmas, so many parties and goodies everywhere!! I have found something yummy and healthy though and it has no sugar or dairy but tastes naughty to wean me off those delicious delicacies that have been dancing in my mouth this christmas. There is a lovely Fairy Food Mother who ran a '7 day shift the sugar challenge' a while back and shared some tasty snacks. ( ) She shares lots of great advice and recipes. My favourite is her PAELO Tray (no) bake energy balls. Even my son in law loves them and anyone can make it including children, however you will need a food processor. 9 Pitted dates 150g mixed nuts ( e.g.. cashew, almond, pecans etc) 1 tsp group cinnamon 2 tsp almond butter (or peanut butter) 2 tsp coconut oil 1 tbsp raw cacao powder (optional) 20g desiccated coconut (for rolling) - Blitz all