Purple Wedding Bells, the Finale. A cement goose and 2 cats.

 Purple Wedding Bells, The Finale. A cement goose and 2 cats.

Well the wedding came and went. The Bride was beautiful and the Groom handsome, but I'm informed it wasn't a true wedding, and I will explain later.

Purple is the new Black

The day before the wedding I treated myself to getting my nails done and did a little artiness on them to match my dress which I absolutely love, especially as I had to take it in a bit as my strategy for dieting worked and I have lost 6 kilos over the past year. Woo Hoo! (Don't worry, I will share my strategy in another blog)  My £5 hat I purchased from a 'buy and sell forum' was just perfect and my hairdresser managed to put my hair up inside the top of it so when I took it off I didn't get a flat hair do. My little gold bag from Oxfam was a find at £3. The hat pins (which turned into Hair sticks when I took my hat off) and jewellery I made were matching my nails, and also, as it happens matched the cake topper which I made for the happy couple. Even my shoes were perfect...... well until they crippled me. They felt so comfy when I brought them, but oh my was I duped. lol. I could hardly walk by the time all the photos were over and I hobbled back into the reception room to sit down and ease my pain with a large Gin and Tonic. Luckily no one could see I kicked them off as soon as we sat down at the table to eat, or at least I hope no one could see. Otherwise my wedding shopping was a hit! If you wish to read my initial wedding shopping traumas and triumphs then: Click here for Part 1 and Click here for Part 2.

Purple fun

The Brides Mother had cooked and iced 6 cakes, yes 6 and one of which had to be Lemon and Elderflower like Harry and Megans cake!! (I was informed the Bride wanted one more cake than her brother had at his wedding) Ahhh sibling rivalry is what makes the world go round. I remember at my Brothers wedding all the serviettes had 'Wedding of the Year' on them!! Who was I to compete with that? Ha ha. 

Mrs and Mrs in Fimo clay

The Cake topper I had made in fimo clay turned out better than I had hoped and looked just fine and considering I hadn't seen the brides dress it was pretty exact to the real thing, so the bride had done a good job explaining it all to me. She even remind me to add hair to the groom which I had forgotten, a bald Groom even with a hat on was a definite no no! Two cats were added to their entourage as when she was asked what she wanted for Christmas the bride to be replied an engagement ring and 2 cats. As she only got a ring I thought I would add the 2 cats. Now I'm sure she is gutted to only get a diamond ring as i'm positive she would much prefer to be proposed to with a cement goose!

Cement engagement goose

Let me explain briefly. My Husband 'proposed' and I say that in the loosest terms, he proposed to me in the car outside my workplace.

 "Right, thats it, we are getting married" he bellowed.

Now proposing in a car must be a Father and Son thing as the Groom also proposed to his beloved in the car. However I then went off that day on a training course and came back to a white cement goose which he stated triumphantly was my engagement ring. Now thats where the Father and Son likeness stops as the Groom gave his intended a very beautiful diamond ring. I have often asked my Husband of 17 years where my ring is but he has stated he will want his Goose back and that just won't do, I love it so. But don't tell him, i'm actually very fond of it and wouldn't part with it ever! We now call it our wedding goose and I have even named it but just don't ask me what..... ah ha!

Hubby in his new blue suit with matching cravat and waistcoat looked as dapper as ever. And who knew there were so many shades of Navy blue. Now I hate shopping as you know, but my Husband loathes it with a passion. The guys in the wedding party were all asked to wear Navy blue so having to go out and buy a navy blue suit was again a horrendous task. So many to choose from in different styles and shades, but none that suited him or as an ex Artificer in the Navy, was the colour he believed Navy blue actually was. Luckily after a couple of weekends scouring local stores and on line one was found and was just perfect. Hurrah! He may even wear it again!! New shiny shoes and he too was good to go!

Now while I type this I  am making some more Lazy git bread the recipe of which you will find in my Christmas blog. So the room is currently filling with delicious smells and with Hubby arriving home soon I had better get the dinner in the oven. Toad in the Hole tonight and I may just add real toad in his... cement engagement goose indeed!!

All in all I believe the wedding went well, but I am informed by a Scottish friend if there wasn't a punch up it wasn't a true wedding and they are not really married. Who knew? Well I didn't see or hear of one, although there was a skirmish by all the young girls as they eagerly awaited the tossing of the bouquet, which sadly with the height of the ceiling, (or lack of it) ended up hitting a light fitting and prostrated itself on the floor like some kind of embarrassed jumble of flora. There was however a misdemeanour involving a tree, a young chap in the hotel garden and someone needing the loo, but I left before it took place, so i'm hoping that will satisfy my Scottish friend that the wedding was as true and binding as the couple are to themselves.

Well I'm off to find that toad... What wedding misdemeanour or error do you remember at yours or anothers'? As its a fact of life we remember what goes wrong at events more than what goes right. Sad but true!

Until next time

X Love and Light Peeps X

  dbee x

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        And don't forget there are old posts for you to enjoy too with more recipes and info.


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